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Shopify Dropshipping Tutorial For Beginners - Free Dropshipping Course (Step By Step)

This free Shopify Dropshipping Tutorial For Beginners will show you How To Create A Profitable Shopify Store (Step By Step). This is A FREE dropshipping course for beginners, a great starting point for anyone who wants to start an online dropshiping business and make money online. The information in this video is definetly enough to get you started and feeling confident in the dropshipping business model. If you feel like you need more in depth information on certain parts, be sure to check out the other videos on my channel that go more in depth on each subject.

Creating The Store

  • When creating the store make sure you use a generic name that can be used to market any product. This is going to be a general branded store, meaning it can be used for any product but will looks very branded for each product you run ads for.

  • Make sure all the colours are congruant, you want the store to look as professional as possible. Ensure all your product images are the same size, this can easilty be done using Canva.

  • Make sure you get all the necessary apps, Dsers is the go to for syncing and importing orders from your Shopify store to Aliexpress. For all the other apps and a more detailed description of how to set up a product page and store, make sure you want my video on how to create a winning product page.

  • Make sure your shopify stores currency is in USD, the majority of online stores are in USD and this currency is normally worth more. Since most stores are in this currency, shoppers are accustomed to the price being in USD.

  • Since you Dropshipping you will want to add reviews to the bottom of your product page using Alireviews, this will give you product social proof. You can make your own reviews, while you wait for the real ones to come in.

  • Make sure you only have 1 varient of the product your marketing, this is very important because once you scale out the product, having several varients will be like having several products and can be a large financial burden.

Finding A Product To Dropship

  • To find a product on Facebook to Dropship, you can use the recommended apps in my "how to find a winning product" video. I also have a second video that uses a secret Facebook tactic to find winning products.

  • Once you find a product thats doing good on Facebook you want to copy that stores product page and their video ad. Make small adjustments and make sure their store name doesn't appear in the product description.

  • You want to keep the ad reletively similar to theirs, so that you can get the retargeting affect like I talk about in my Facebook ads video.

Setting Up Your Faceboo Pixel

  • Setting up the Pixel is very easy, just follow the steps I lay out in the video and you will have it all set up. If you using shopify it's really easy and integrates very smoothly.

  • Make sure you run some tests, add to cart, initiate checkout, to make sure the pixel is firing and working correctly.

Creating The Facebook Ads

  • When creating your Facebook ad the easiest way is to copy someone elses that is working. Take their video and make minor adjustments to it so that you get the retargeting affect and can test the product fast.

  • Make sure you include a call to action at the end of the video and include your store name or logo somewhere in the video.

  • For the ad copy keep it simple but really make it something that grabs the veiwers attention.

  • Make sure you thumbnail really grabs the veiwers attention, this needs to be something that stands out and should tipically be a photo of the product doing it's main selling point.

  • All the steps on how to set up a Dropshipping Facebook ad in more depth, can be found in my "Dropshiping Facebook ads tutorial" video below.

  • Make sure your ad takes them to the product page of the product your advertising and not to some random home page.

Fulfilment From Aliexpress Using Dsers

  • Once everything is set up and your ads are running, you will need to fulfill orders. Dsers links your Shopify store with Aliexpress, this will make the order fulfilment very easy.

  • Make sure that as you fulfil your orders you select the fastest shipping with the most reasonable price. Of course you don't want to be loosing money, but try to get the fastest shipping posible.

Main Things To Remember

  • Keep your store design and product page simple, everyone tries to overcomplicate things at the beginning. The main things you need to focus on are product and advertising.

  • Make sure you have your Pixel set up and implimented on your website or all the data from running your ads will be lost.

  • Try to keep the ad for your product reletively similar to the exhisting ad from your competition. This will give your ad the retargeting affect and really help with the initial sales and traction.

  • Don't overthink the interests when selecting them, tipically what comes to mind is what will be best for your targeting.

  • Make sure you get Alireviews and add reviews to the bottom of your product page. I didn't do this in the tutorial because it requires a subscription, but you definetly need reviews for social proof.

  • Make sure you use the same ad ID for all your Facebook ads, this will ensure all the likes and comments pile up from all the ads your running.

Links Programs And Softwares

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✅ FREE Dropshipping Course Playlist:

Blog Key Words

Dropshipping, winning product, dropshipping winning products, best dropshipping products, how to find a winning dropshipping product, dropshipping product research, 6 figure dropshipping, dropshipping course, ecomcreed, ecomcreed mastermind, jonathan molendijk, dropshipping potential products, how to start dropshipping, dropshipping step by step, dropshipping on amazon, pinterst ads, facebook ads, dropshipping agent, Aliexpress, Shopify, Silkroad, Oprolo, CJ dropshipping, Dropshipping For Beginners, How To Make Money Online, Free Dropshipping Course, Online Business, Amazon FBA, Ecommerce Tutorials, Amazon FBA Course


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